Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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IRISH LINENS SHEETINGS I wie superfine Irish Linens warranted all liner do 3 1 I i a 5V 5JhJf 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 'l 14 15 12 4 17 49 60 76 90 Ag 16 17 18 26 80 35 40 05 11 20 31 40 3 51 3 63 55 60 Seven yean 12 186 153 183 196 209 321 491 1 1 99 2 02 2 04 2 09 20 37 59 89 i 21 56 20 31 1 A I do do culling 4 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 '28 29 30 31" 32 S3 34 35 36 for We 204 236 275 820 373 460 578 700 WTEW BOOKS Jost published and received The Let JLn ter and Works of Lady Mery Wortley Montagu edited by Lord Wharncliffe Mra Arwylage or emale Domination by the authoress el Mothers and Daughters or sale by GARRET ANDERSON ap 3t Penn avenue between 11th and 12th st 4 5'24 5 49 5 78 05 27 50 75 7 00 VOYAGES TO THE SOUTHx SEA containing also information relating to important late discoveries between 1792 and the present time 1 volume octavo with engravings A few copies of the above publication (particularly interest ing at the present time) are this day received and for sale by febS TAYLOR 6 6 6 63 6 91 Henrietta temple a new supply The ourth Way of Living without Means ustceigntMeraMeM ET Book stationery and fancy store Penn Avenue bet0 U4h and 12th streets 13 81 DISCOURSE before the Ameri ww ean Historical Society is this day publicised and for sale atP TAYLOR'S Book Store where subscribers can ob tain their copies feb28 ARRET ANDERSON haa just received for sale VX The German Tourist with 17 Cue engravings A View of the World) as distinguished by manners costumes characteristics pf ell nations with 80 engravings by the Rev Beake Walker's Manly Exercises illustrated by engravings emale Biography containing notices of distinguish ed women in different nations and ages Albis book stationery and fancy store Pennsylvania Aven ue between 11th and 2th streets feb 3c OJfE HUNDRED DOLLARS Ran away from the subscriber residing near the Navy Yard Washington city on the night of the 26th ultimo my negro boy RANK (be calls himself ranklin Smith) about 17 years of age 6 feet inches high rather chunky and of a black com plexion He had on when he left a dark cloth roundabout gray caasinet pantaloons patched ou the knees snuff colored cloth vest with bullet buttons and fur cap I will give the above re ward for said boy if taken out of the District of Columbia and confined in foil so that I' get Mm again and fifty dollars if ta ken in the District of Columbia and brought home to mn april dtf ANN ROBERTS linen do heavy do do for pillow ewes a ldo 10 4 and12 4 Irish Sheetings 1 do 10 4 and 12 4 Russia do do superfine Diaper Towelling I 1 do Irish and Russia Table Diapers 20 do Damask Napkins 126 superfine Marseilles Quilts very beautiful trwi IVV pitCU UW i The above goods were purchased in New York at auction and will be offered at very reduced price mar 2 WASHINGTON A CO Large map of Newly pubiiah Engraved from the Government aorveya on a scale which covers six square feet exhibiting the sections Ac and pointing out the woodland prairies marshes bottom lands Ac Ac Also the internal improvements distance between towns post offices Ae Ac in a of perfection and accuracy never attempted before with any of the Western States 1 just received and for sale by TAYLOR in a portable form for the pocket at the Waverly Circulating Library immedi ately east of Gadsby a Hotel jttP I girder for roof nip rafters small rafters ties Ao sills Ac 68 Iogs'29 ft long 12 by 12 in square joistalintels and plates CIO 49 30 4 do 30 de on rA Oft Hn in 20 12 14 do 6000 feet 1) inch yellow pine flooring boards beat quality 1008 do 1 do white pine panel boards 2000 do 2 do do merchantable 3uuu ao i ao ao IMU1 I rtn I SfcjWVT ww a vsw VALUABLE ARMS AT PRIVATE 6ALEf The subscriber will sell at private sale ail or any portion of the real aetata left by Thomas Cramphln Ueeeuod remaml Ing unsold at this time consisting of the lais residence of said Cramphin and other lands adjoining together with two or three very valuable arms on Rock creek The Dwelling haute farm is situated about eleven njtiea from Washington on the Washington and Rockville turnpike road and contain376i acres of land a large portion of which is in wood The improvements consist of a brick dwelling house nearly new with all the necessary out buildings The Rock creek farm situated six mUqp from Georgetown immediately on the Georgetown and Rockville turnpike road is one of the most valuable end desirable farms the county being composed of a large portion of the finest timber and mea dow land The improvements consist of a commodious frame dwelling housp and all the necessary out houses 'I'heae lands have been recently surveyed and laid off into farms of from 200 or 400 acres but should it be found advanta geous for the disposal of them they will be subdivided to suit purchasers Any communication addressed tu the subscriber at Bladensburg or left at the National Hotel Washington will ba promptly attended tb GEORGE CALVERT dec dtf Trustee Ancient mysteries and freema 80 NR An exposition of the Religions Dogmas and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians Pythagoreans and Druids 'dtc Also of Origin History and Purport of by John ellows in one volume is just received for sale by TAYLQR AmtPcrtHB 12 inches square plates' raiiers I king posts braces' girders purlinaand frames YIARD CASES Just opening at Hall ths largest and most extensive assortment of English Pesrl Ivory Shell and Leather Card Cases that has ever been kept Tor sale in the District and at prices the most reasonable jan 9 Tel ISCHE1L NEW MAP new en larged edition of armer's large Map of Michigan exhi biting the aeetions is just published (ebruary 1837) and this day received forsale by TAYLOR and will be found to contain all the recent settlement! and improvements and isalaoon a ranch larger scale than Route Book and Guide between New York and Washington accompanied by a map 1837 An additional supply of the large sectional Map of Illinois is now on the way from New York on rollers for office use as well ss in a portable form for the poeket fab 13 BY MAURO At SON SALE On Wednesday 26th April next at 4 on the premises I shall sell under a deed of trust dated October 1933 and for the purposes therein mentioned all that lol or parcel of ground in the city of Washington known as lot num bered 24 in square No 517 containing 1800 square feet more or less together with the buildings improvements Ac apper taining to the Terms of sale cash BENEDICT MILBURN Trustee leb leowts MAURO A SON Auctioneers SPRING We have received and are now opening a large and general aesortmentof seasonable gooda to which we invite the attention of our cnstomera nd purcha sers generally among which are th following i B2egam colored figured Silks of the latest fashion tl ease nen puia anxs oeaumui 1 do haxdsome plaid Silks light colors 50 pieces black Silks various 'qualities 20 do elsgant Spring Shelleys 100 do rench Lawns 100 do Muslin Delane 1 5G: do rench Painted Muslins do low priced Painted Muxlins 250 do rench and English Ch in lx do" Uambric Inserting and Eldgings 100 do Mperfiue Cambric Muslin i 50 do do Jaconet do 100 do Swiss and Book Muslins 100 doxen Cotton Hose comprising general assortupnt 50 do Gloves beautiful spring colors EL WASHINGTON A CO mar 2w Globe' naWXRYLAN IVE PER CENTTOC'K 1VJI 83000 of Maryland 5 per cent Stock for sale Apply fo NICHOL L8 ap 3 2w Georgetown ivJi A sNaVv OrnctJ 1 Mabch 43 1837 Jr LIVE OAK TIMBER Seled proposals will be re ceived at this office until three of the 1st day of July next Tor the supply of Live Oak Timber aa fol No lor the frame 'timber beam and keelson pieces and for the promiscuous timber which may be directed for one ship of the line one frigate two sloops of war (one of and one smaller vessel todae delivered pt the Aary Yard near fortemoulh NH No 2 or the frametimber beam and keelson pieces ana for the promiscuous timber which may be directed for one ship of the line one frigate and one steamer! to be delivered at the Navy Yard at Charleetuwn Maeeuchusetta jj No 3 or the frame timber beam and keelson piece and for th promiscuous timber which may be directed Tor one ship of the line one sloop of war large class one small veaseL and one steamer: to be delivered at the Navy Yard Charleetown Mdeeachueette No 4 or the frame timber beam and keelson pieces ana for the promiscuous timber which may be directed for one ship of the line one frigate and one steamer: to be delireredu the Navy Yard Brooklyn No 5 or th frame timber beam and keelson pieces and for the prptnlseuou timber which may be directed lor onaship of the line one sloop of war large class and one steamer lobe delivered el the Navy Yard Brooklyn No 6 or the frame timber beam and keelson pieces end for the promiscuous timber which may be directed for two sloop of war small class end two steatnera i to be delivered at the Navy Yard at Philadelphia Th 6 quantity and dimensions of the promiscuous limber for each veeeel of each class is as follows or each chip the line 6000 cubic feet which must aided 15 inches and be from 12 to 20 feet in length six of th longest piece to side 92 inch or each frigate 3000 cubic feet which equal be sided 15 inches and be from 12 to 20 feet long ixof the longest pieces to side 19 inches i or each eloop of waf1 500 cubic feet which must be sided 12 inches and be from 12 to 18 feet long six of the longest pie ces to side 16 inches or each eteamer 1500 cubic feet which must be sided 15 inches aud be from 12 to 18 feet long six of the Jpngeat piece to side 16 inche of each small vessel 800 eubie feet which must be sided 8 Inches and be from 10 to 16 feet long six pf the longest pieces to side 12J inches A port of the promiscuous timber may be got to larger dimen sions provided the plecas will answer for replacing defective hawse pieces transoms breast hooks or other valuable pieces Separate offera must be made for each of the preceding num here end each offer roust embrace all the timber that is called for by the number to which it refers the price asked per eu bie foot must be staled veparalely for each and every 'clave of vessels embraced in the offer and for the promiecuaue Umber of each class sepsrately from the other all of which other is considered moulded I At least one fourth of the whole quantity of timber embraced in each offer comprising a fair proportion of the most valuable pieces must be delivered on or before the last of March 1839 one half of the remainder ou or before the last of March 1840 and the whole quantity on or before the last of Marclrl841 and if the above proportions shall not ba delivered st the respective times above specified the Commissioner of the Navy reserve to themselves the right of cancelling afiy contract in the execution of which such failure may occur and of entering into new con tracts holding the original contractors and their sureties liable for any excess of cost and other damages whichmay be thus incurred The said live oak timber must have grown within twenty five miles of the seabord (which must be proven to the satisfaction of the respective Commandants) must be got out by the moulds and written directions and specifications of dimedalotis Ac which Will be furnished to the contractor for their gqrernment and must be free from all injuries and defect which may impair the good quality of the said timber for the purpose for which it is required by contract aud be in all respeet satisfactory tn the Commandants of the respective navy yards where it is deliy rciL 'b Bonds with two good and responsible sureties (whose names must be forwarded with the offers) in the amount of one third the stimalod value of the limber to be furnished under the res contracts will be required and as collateral security for the faithful compliance with the terms stipulations and eon dition of the said contracts ten per centum will Le reserved from the actual amount of each payment which may be made from time to time within thirty days after bill shall bi duly ap proved and presented to the Navy Agent until the said con tract are completed and closed which reservations respect ively will be forfeited to the use and benefit of the United States in the event of failures to deliver the timber within the respective period prescribed Th moulds will be furnished to the contractors at one of the navy yards Brooklyn Gosport or Philadelphia Ta be published twieb a week until the 16ih of June next in th National Intelligencer Globe Eastern Argus New Hamp shire Gazette Boston Morning Post and Commercial Gull New York Times New York Evening Past Trenton Empori um Pennsylvanian American SentioyL Richmond Enquirer Norfolk Herald Raleigh Star CLarlosloa Patriot Georgian Pensacola Gazette Louisiana Advertiser and Mobile Register mar 21 2awtl5J EUROPEAN AGENCY The undersigned intends tu leave Pittsburg on the 1st day of March next and sail from New York on th 1st day of April on an eighteenth tout through every part of England Scotland and Ireland as a Gene ral Agent for the purpose ofattendiug to such business as he may be desirous of transacting Ho intends to return to Pitts burg about theJstdfDecember 1837 The agents and friends of the subscriber sod the Public are ihspectfully requested not to forward any documents or papers relating to any claim or business until the same is first explainL ed and approved after which instructions wiH be given'' Mosiey re rail lances made a usual to rance llolland Gcr tnaqy Switzerland Italy Ac Ac Every information connectedwith the Ageucymny be obtained by post paid letters addreas ed to JAMES STUART Jan eocid20t European Agent Pittsburg Pa AW PATENTS by Willard Phillips including JLd the remedies end legal proeedinga in relation to patent rights in onevvolume is" Just published and ibis day received for sale by TAYLOR THIBTS TO GIVE NOTICE that the subscriber has obtained from the Court of Charles county in the State of Maryland letters of administration on the personal estate of Benedict Jameson late of said county deceased All persons having elaitite agsiust the said deceased are hereby warned to xh ibixtlia Mun with th proper voucher thereof to the subscriber on or before the first day of January 1838 they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of the said estate Persons indebted to the estate are requested to ateke immediate payment WALTER BOARMAN Executor mar 17 w6ar Bryantown Charles to' Mdi IOUR EXPERIMENTS Living within the means up to the means beyond th mean I aud without themeana The Mantral of Politeness comprising the principles of eti quette and rules for behavior In general society for person both aexea or sale at 1 GARRET Book Stationery and ancy Store Pennsylvania avenue S' ap 3 3t 11th and 12th streets lywi IrA lUwk or Gxombtoww Aran 4 1837 THE board of director hv declared a dividend on the stock of this bunk of two per cent for the last six montlx to be paid on or after th 10th instant By ap 7 3taw3w Cashier year present I The Souvenir Keepsake for 1837 The Religiooe Souvenir do The Pearl do The Violet i do ixi The Christmas Box 'The Gift do Pnrffpf "do Manj4hin I IHartnlT fu variety of Toy Book for children aud Almanacs (at Tel CAEAUTIPUL Now opening at JL3 Hall the following beautiful Books suitable for Christmas aud new present OCATION Just published and thia day received for sale by TaYLOR in one small Velnme Method of Limation' or mode of describing aud adjusting Railway Corves and Taagenfs by Serai MUBin Ofvil Eogiaeer mar 29 i Agency at james hcaus TEN (late of Baltimore) having made this city hi penna nentresidence and located hisdwellingandofficedireeyyipposite to the Department of State will undertake with his accustomed Zealand diligence the settlement of claim generally and more particularly claims before Congress against the United States or the several Departments thereof and before any board of commissioners that may be raised for the adjustment of spo liation or other elaime He ha now in charge the entire elasa arising out of reucb spoliation prior to the year 1800 with reference to which inaddiiion to a mar of documents and proofs in hio possession he ha access to those in the archive ef the Gotcrnment I Claimant and pensioners on th Navy fund Ac bounty land return duties Ac Ac ihd those requiring life insurance ean have their business oromptly attended to by letter (poet paid) and thus relieve themselves from an expensive and incon venient personal attendance Hxring obtained a commission of Notary Public he is prepare ed to furnish legalised copies of any required puHii document ot papers He baa been so long engaged in the duties of an agent that it can only bo necessary no to say that economy and prompt attention shall be extended to all business confided to bis ere and that to enable him to render his servicesand facilities more efficacious ho has become familiar with all the form of ffiee eb 36 ly Offerini With a i 1837 at fit cents Ie 23 I 'WATEW Justpublished and this day received sale by TAYLOR or for circulation among the subscribers to the Waverly Circulating Library Life in London or Day and Night Rambles and Spree 'through the Metropolis 2 vol 4 The Honey Moon and other Tales b' Jambs Bui we 01 xaeL and others 2 vols The Humorist in 1 vol by Hook NJ 2W LAW Sugden on Vendors new edi tion improved and enlarged 2 volumes Commentaries now edition Chitty on Bills 8lh edition just published Russell on Crimes just published Equity 4th edition Digest of New York Repoits Chancery Reports 1836 Equity Roscoe on Criminal Evidence Starkie on Evidence 1837 Beck's Me dical Jurisprudence new edition 2 vol Modieal Jurisprudence! vol price 75 cents The aborearo just unpacked and far sale by TAYLOR who offer for sale aa extensive assortment ef Law Books at prices as low as they can be purchased for any where in the United States His supply has been purchased not from other bookseller or publishers but chiefly et the Northern spring and fall trade sales at the sanie times and price with all th Northern beekselling iiouses 'and supposing that he ean afford to sell at as low on advance as any one the adv erfiser with great confidence invite a comparison between hi prices and those of any city in the United State Individual wishia'g X6 purchase may save themselves some expense end rM of transportation by examining mte xhia point for themselves before sending Yherrerdess to tne North js Ap ply at the Waverly Gircalating Library ussaediatly east pt wwpyjs 4iow Ub 16 4 VALUABLE PROPERTY IN GEORGE TOWN By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of the Diatrict of Columbia made in the case of Edson A Scott against the administratrix and law of John Shaw the subscriber will sell st public auction on riday the 28th day of April next the following valuable real estate in Georgetown and District of Columbia viz The large three story brick store and dwellings! the corner of Matket Space and Chernr street with the lot of ground on which it stands measuring lorty by forty one feet fronting on the south side of the caual Attention is particularly invited to 'this property Also two handsome twdi story brick dwellings fronting on the east side of Potomac stseet between Bridge and Prospect streets They are quite new and will be sold separately with the ground attached7'' Also a lot of ground at the southeast corner of Water street and Cecil alley formerly the property of John McPherooo with the frame building thereon All this property will be sold free of taxes and dower The title is considered good Terms of sale One fifth of the purchase money is to be paid in cash en tbe day of sale or in five day thereafter the re sidue in three equal instalments at six twelve and eighteen mouths with interest from the day of sale the purchaser to fire their bonds with approved security for said instalment the terms of sale be not complied with within teuduys aftet the day of sale the Tiustee reserve to himself the right tore sell the property of the defaulting purchaser at hi risk and cost after a reasonable notice The sale will commence in front of the'firsl mentioned house and bouse and lot at 4 and continue from lot to lot until all ba been sold JOHN MARBURY Vmar23 Stawtds 'ftv Trute SPEECHES lu 1 volume oc tavo containing also the Select Speeches of the Right Honorable William WvKDnAM together with their Biogra Phies Ac Ac just published and this day received for sale by feb 15 'WTiEW BOOKS Just received Life in London i or The wj Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn and others ia their Rambles and Sprees through the Metropolis by Egan The Honey Moon by the Countess of Blessington and other Tales brother authors i The Humorist by Then lore Honk I or sale by GARRET ANDERSON mar 10 St Penn Avenue between 1 1th and 12th st Applicationa post paid' may addressed io PATRICK MACAULAY President Baltimore or MORRIS RO BINSON Esq Vice President New York to which iuune diate attention will be paid I Application may also be made personally or by letter post paid 'to RANCIS A DICKINS Agent for the Company in the City of WashibotOW Hi office ra on Pennvslvania Ayenua opposite uller's Hotel and two doorfrom the buildings occu pied by the Treasury Department oct 16 dly 1' the matter of Holtzman an insolvent debtor William Hayman the trustee in the above cose having re ported to me that on the 14th of December last he exposed to sale at public auctioaail the interest of the said insolvent debt or in and to part of lot 13 in square 290 in the city of Wash 1 ington beginning at a point due west of the northeast corner of said lot 83 feet 6 inches from Xhe said northeast corner and in the line of street running from said point due west 24 feet to the northwest corner of said lot thence due south 88 feet and 6 inches thence due east 14 feet and 10 inches thence south 70 feet and 6 inches to th southwest corner of said lot thence due east 13 feet and 4 'inches thence due north 88 feet and 6 inches to the beginning with the buildings thereon And also in and to that other part of the same tot beginning for the said part at the corner of said lei and tanning thenoe due west with the line of street north 33 feet 6 inches thence due south 88 feet 6 inches thence due east 4 feet "thetice due south ll feet 6 inche thence due east 29 feet 4 inches'to lire eastern line of said lot thence due north by and with the said east line 100 feet to the place of beginning with the bnildingi thereon And also lot No 1 in square No 606inaid city that at euch sale John Van Ness on behalf of' the Bank of Metropolis was the highest bidder and became the purchaser of the whale of the said property at the price or sum of six hundred and thirty one dollars end that he hath com jplied with the terms of sale: It is therefore ordered this 27th day of Marek 1837 that th said sale be ratified and confirmed I unless eanseto the coatrary bh shown on or before die 3d Mon day of Msy next provided a copy of th order be published three times in setae be wspaper in the city of Washington CRANCH CopyfrTet: WM BRENT Clerk I 31 GEOLOGY i this day expected by TAYLOR being the last of the Bridge water Treatises mt published JI SILESIAN BEET a quantity of this genu ine Seed ha been leceived from the Philadelphia Beet Sugar Society together with the report of their agent Mr Ped der The former is for sale al 75 cents the pint the latter at 25 cents by TAYLOR who baa been requested to under take the ule of it in Washington city An additional supply of Agricultural Chemistry is ust received Also Sir Humphrey Agricultural Chemistry I on the Sugar Cane A variety of works on the Silk worm the Mulberry and the making of Silk also on the Vine and making of Wipe Secretary work on Cotton and a fins collection of the best works gensrally on Agriculture Husbandry Gar deniqg Botany Ac Ac ih all their branches mor 2 SU PER IOR STATIONERY subscriber ha on hand from recent purchases 400 reams best American and English Letter Paper 160 do Cap Paper 100 do I Demi and Medium Paper 1 40 do olio Post 100 Envelope Papei CO 000 Quills A 10 groes Inks in quart pint and half pint bottles 200 pounds best American and English Sealing Wax 1OO Wafer 360 dozen Office Tape 500 cards most approved Steel Pen 20 grass best Lead Pencils 500 pieces India Ink 24 dozen Mopth '28'(do Cut Glaae Inks for office use 800 poffnds of superior Black Sand With an extensive assortment of Ivory olders Leiter Stamps Wafer Pounce and Sand Boxes Paper Weights Rulers Blotting Tracing and Drawing Paper And every other article 4n the Stationery line all of which will be sold ou better tegns than articles of similar quality ean be obtained elsewhere Orders promptly executed at Station Hall ISCHER TAYLOR has just rrelrod(in ad dition to bis former large supply ef very superior Station ery 40 gross English Metallic Pens warranted of superior quality and selected with that object withoutregard lopricc being Per and Peas ef various escriptiea also several new kinds that have not been seenin 1 London Writing Ink Black Red and Japan rench Writing Ink Red and Black London Ink Powder Also en hand 4 varieties Red tad Black Ink ef the best Ame rican mannfaebsr Engli and Holland Quills number 60 70 and 80 Yellow White aud Opaque Brookman and Langdon's London Drawing Pencils warrant bed genuine i Alr on hand and American manufactured Pencils of every number aud letter English and rench Wafers English Irish and Vienna Seal Ing Wax 4 Also on hand several varieties the best American Wax I English Pounce German Red Tape rench Silk Taste In A Rubber (London patent) English Letter Paper Blue and White Laid and Wove Plain and GUL i English' and rench Note Paper Jv oolscap and Letter Paper on hand from the manufactories of Buller Hudson Donaldson Gilpin Ames and others Public officer and others may depend ou having the above article supplied at os low prices having regard to theequality) as they can be procured any where in the United States I The subscriber also offers with Che same guaranty a large stock of Stationary aud Surtiouery Articles (not enumerated above) of American as well as foreign msrafartum the quality and finish of which ha been looked into with the greatest care and attention I mu2a VO taylor Dollars i will give forty dollars for securing my servant George Coatee in jailiso that I get him again or for thf delivery of him to me at my re sidence in Georgetown Qeorge i known aa a trainer of nee heroes and has lived in the employ of Mr Jacob Dixon of Washington aud also ef Dr Duvall H6 is supposed to in Washington or ia the coun try not very rsiuote there frotu ap d2w MORTON BALTIMORE LIE INSURANCE COMPANY JOHN DONALDSON Paxsinwrr JNSURftS LIVES for on er mr years for Iff Raleefor One Hundred Dollar une year 100 131 'e 13G 169 191 196 232 435 GRANTS ANNUITIES Rate for One Hundred Dollar 60 year of age 1055 per cent 1 66 do 1227 do pr annum 70 do 1419" do sj SELLS ENDOWMENTS ox One Hundred Dollars deposited at birth of child the Com pany will pay if he attain 21 years qfsge 31C9 I At six months 408 I One year 375 The Company also executes trusts receive mousy on depo sits laying interest semi annually or compounding it nd make all kind of contracts in hich life or the interest of mo ney is involved WILLIAM MURDOCK Secretary AGENTS James Cans ten City of Washington Dr Wellford redericksburg Virginia John Lay Richmond Va Robertson Norfolk Va A Tidball Winchester Va George Richards Leesburg Va Neilson Pee rederick Md EIGHT HUNDRED CORDS PINE" WOOD 7 fr 4 I Naw Oiticx Washington Mabch 18 1837 PROPOSALS will be received al this office until the 1st day of Moy next eight hundred cords of Pine Wood to be delivered gt the Navy Yard in th is city on or before the first day of October next The wood must be well aeftoued and of good quality aud may be delivered from time to time as soon a the contractor may think proper lodeliver It Ten per centum will be withheld from the amount of each delivery until the contract is fully complied with in addition to the bond and sureties given for jhe faithful performance of the contract 's i To He pnblishea three time a week in the National Intel ligencer Globe and Richmond Enquirer mar 22 Navy Ornci March 23 1837 jt Asli Sealed proposals endorsed Propo sal for Ash Timber" will be received'atlbia office un til 3 of the first of May next for'lurnishing at th Navy Yard Washington (one half by the first of Decem ber next and the other half by the first of June eighteen hun dred and thirty eight or aa much earlier a the contractor may choose) twelve thousand cubic feet of While Ash Timber to be of the following dimensions viz The whole to in logs of from twelve to eighteen feet tn length one fifth oi the whole quantity to be sixteen inches diameter onefifth twenty inches one fifth twenty six inches one fifth thirty inc es aud one fifth thirty six inches in di ameter '7 The whole must be perfectly sound and free from all defects subject Io the inspection and measurement of persons appointed by the commandant of the yard and in all respects to bis entire satisfaction Persons wlshfngto offer must offer for at least half the quan tity and state the price asked per cubic foot 7 Payments will be made within tliirty days after 4 the whole quantity is delivered and approred bills presented to the Navy AgenL Bonds with two sureties tn one third the estimated amount of the contract will be required for its faithful performance To be published twice a week till first of May next in the National Intelligencer Globe Army and Navy Chrontele New York Times Pennsylvanian Bakimor Republican Richmond Knquirer aud Norfolk Beacon mar 25 BROOKE SON Pennsylvania Ave nue beg leave to'iuforiu their friends and customers that they have removed to the 4th door west of their former place in the house recently occupied by Messrs Clarke Briscoe 4 Co where they have and are daily receiving a full and supe rior assortment of 4 and Chil Hoots and Shoe of every description and latest style end which they offer tton tbs most accommodating terms dlw 1 14 ESALE VALUABLE REAL PROPER The terms of a former sale not having been com plied with I shall resell at public auction on Monday the Blh day of May next at the risk and cost of Jthe defaulting pur chasers the following property situated in Georgetown Dis trict of Columbia belonging to the estate of the late Thomas Coredran viz Part of lot No 2 bn Wgh street 26 feet front by 135 feel deep frame house thereon 20 feet on Gay street Part of lot Na 165 on west side of Market street 25 feet front with a two story brick thereon Part of lute Nos 7and 8 on Congress street 40 feet front 121 feel 3 inches deep Part of lot No 229 rederick and 7th streets 27 foet front 96 feel deep Pert of lot No 96 on irst street 28 feet front 150 feet deep (west part) Part of lotqNos 95 and 96 on irst street 28 feet front by 150 feel deep Part of lot New 95 on irst street 29 feet front and ISOJeet deep Part of lot No 93 on irst street 28 feet front by 150 feel deep 7 7 Part of lot No lro! Water street 34 feet front jn depth to the channel brick warehouse and wharf thereon Part of lot No 5 on Water street 63 feet 4 inches in depth to the channel frame warehouse and wharf thereon Part of lol No 63 on Jefferson street 20 feet front by 102 feev4 inche In depth with a two story brick house thereon Part of lol Noe 150 and 151 on Market street 26 feet front by 100 feet deep to a 12 feet alley (No 2 Pert of lota No 150 and 151 ou Market street 25 feet front and 100 feet deep to a 13 feel alley (No 3) Partoflot No 150 and 151 on Market street 25 feet front by 100 feet deep to a feel alley (No! 4) Part of Iota Nos 150 and 151 on Market street 25 feet front by 100 feet deep to a 12 feet alley No 6) Part of lot No 150 end 151 on Market street 25 feel front by 100 fet deep to a 12 feet alley (No 6) 7 Partoflot Nos 163 and 164 on Market strset 20 feet frpnt 63 fet deep with a two story brick house thereon to an 'pirt'of same lota on Market street 20 feet front by 88 feet deepr with a two story brick house thereon to an alley (No 3) AU of lot No 244 on High and Eighth streets 160 feet on High street (vseauu) s7 Part of lot Noe 163 164 on Market afreet 26 feet 8 inches front by 88 feet deep (vacant) Partoflot No 237 on High street 160 feet front Al) of lot No 104 on Beall street 60 fee front and 150 feet 3eep (vacant) Part of lot No on Bridge and Green street 23 feet front by 109 feet deep with a two story brick house thereon Part of lot No 1 on Bridge street 23 feet front by 109 feet deep with a two story brick house thereon Part of lot No 93 High and irst streets a three story brick house thereon (No 1) Part of same lot with a three story brick house thereon (No 2) fi Part of same" lot with a three story bnck house thereon (No 3) 7 7 7 Part of lol No 9 on Bridge street with a three story brick house thereon 24 foetfroutby 120 feet deep Part of lot No 9 on en alley fronting G7 feet 4J inches by 259 feet deep with a stable thereon Also lota Nos 10 and 11 in square No 63 the city of Washington Also square No 96 in the city of Washington contaihiug 122260 feet And also part of lot No 12 in square No 691 on New Jer sey avenue in the city of Washington Term of sale: One fifth cash the balance of the purchase money upon a credit of one two three mnd four years bearing interest from day of sale and said interest to be paid annually The payment to be secured by the bonds with security to be approved of by the trustee and upon the whole purchase money being paid and the ratification of th sale by the Court of said county the said Trustee will convey all the right title and interest of the said Corcoran to th said real estate which title is believed to be unquestionable All con veyances made at th cost of the purchaser If the terms of sale are not complied with in ten days after the day of sale the Trustee reserve to himself the right to th property of the defaulting purchaser at his cost and risk rSale to take plaae 'al Mr Lang tavern Bridge strset alll A Mf ALEXANDER HUNTER Trustee ap 2awt THOS WRIGHT Auctioneer SUPERIOR CVUILIS Just received by the schoon er Washington a targe svrraber of superior Quilt No 40 70 and 80 clear opaqu and yellow These quill will weigh heavier than eny other brought to this market or sale only at Stationers! RalL mar 24 (Reformer) WHAR fc WAREHOUSE OR RENT The subscriber wishes to rent his extensive Wharf and Warehouse on the Eastern Branch It is well calculated for the lumber wood tool and grain business like wise for storing a large quantity of lime there being ample ac Commodajion for thj whole The warehouse i two stories high 30 by 70 feet Any person wishing to go into the above business will do well to examine the same The reut will bo made uncommon ly low Possession msy be had immediately mar eo6w GRIITH COOMBE The Alexandria Gazette will please copy the above and send their acepont to ALEXANDER Upholsterer A Paper Hanger reapectfuly informs his friends and the Public generally that has Just received his Spring assortment of PAPER HANGINGS consisting of 2000 piece of paper of the latest pattern and newest style with velvet and common borders ae aoried Besides his stock he has also a very liandsomo asabrt ment of Gildings and Cornices of every description Beds Mattresses Pillows Bolsters Cots Every order in his line will be attended to immediately The whole of it will be sold cheap for cash or on time to punctual customers Two Apprentice Boys in the above lino wanted immediate ly No one need app(y without good recommendations mar 9 eolm ig SCHOOL City Academy 4 1 2 street Gentlemen are now receiving instructions in the above accomplishment under ill The last classes for this season are now forming gentlemen wishing to unite with the classes to be prejvared by the May Ball must make ItBtnB diate application Terms 5 for a course of lessons Hour of instruction be tween 7 nd 9 in th evening bs a sa MADEIRA W1NE JusI received per brig Odessa from Madeira 7 pipes 5 half do 56 quarter do eighth do fin old MA DEIRA WINE consisting ofTinta Sercial Burgundy Grap Juice fine old London Particular exlra choiee old do and the choicest do The above inentloned Wines are from the celebrated house of Howard March Co shipped to order Specially for this market The shipper inform me by letter that wines of the present shipment have been selected foryouofeven a more Superior quality than any of oar former shipments to you" or Kale on uy usual accounnodating terms by the cask or inboxes containing oue or two dozen bottles PHINEAS JANNEY Alexandria Who has also in store very superior old Port Wine of his own importation in cask and bottles put up in boxes of on or two dozen OR ENT on reasonable terms and possession given immediately a ROPE WALK with all Us appurtenances situated on the heights of Georgetown or terms ap ply to I Stull Esq Cashier anner and Bank Georgetown mar 11 tf GURE OR CORNS One of the best remedies for Coms on the feet will be found in the celebrated ALBI ON CORN PLASTER which continues to maintain a decided superiority over other remedies and it remarkable properties have novc become so generally known and acknowledged that orders for it are multiplying from all part of the country Lk It affords immediate dissolves andremoves the Corn from the fool with ease and expedition and without the least pain I Various cases of cure are frequently coming to the knowledge of the Proprietor who would beg leave to state the following Tlr A Physician (writes Agent Maryland) purchased a box of this Plaster part ofvhich cured his Com which at times prevented his walking He observed to the Agent that he ought never to be out'of the Albion Com Plaster for he had applied almost every kind of Plaster heretofore but found no relief until be used this i Tk Another case "im Having made use of only part of a box of the Albion Corn Plaster it removed the Corn entirely and I cheerfully re commend it to all who are afflicted in like a jpr Another Samuel Tbomuson of Camden had suffered so much a corn aa frequently to be unable to we ar shoo or boot with out great suffering was immediately relieved and soon cured by utis plaster and recommends it to all who are troubled with corns as a pleasant and speedy remedy 4 rom thi Now Haven Daily Herald Editor You will much oblige a subscriber by letting the Public know through your paper the beneficial effect the writer ha received by using the Albion Com Plaster (prepare by Mr TKidder of Boston) I had been troubled about two year with a large corn on the side of my loot and tried every remedy that could be thought of but nothing appeared to help me About two months since it was with difficulty I could walk to the druggist who sold and bought a box which I ap plied according to the directions and have felt nothing of the corn since it has entirely removed it fl Yk Price 50 cent a btufe or sale at TODD Drug tore mar eo6t 71 lour corn lard a nd salt 60 brl Washington county lour a prime article 200 bushels Cora 1 2000 lbs leaf Lard 1000 bushels ground alum Salt 10 kegs Nu 2 Butter 150 bushels chopped Rye '100 do Ship Stuff 6000 do heavy Shorts 200 bale prime Timothy Hay Instore and for sale low by CONRAD HOGMIRE 31x 3taw2w Water street Georgetown American Life Insurance and Trust Company Ornos No 136 Baltimore street Baltimore and Will street New York AOBirCY Pennsvlvania Avenue opposite Hotel ant Iwo dixtrs from the Buildings occupied by the Treasury Depart ment 'Washington city I CAPITAL PAID IN 2000000 PATRICK MACAULAY President Baltimore IMORRIS ROBINSON Vice President New York MJ ONEY received daily on on which interest will LvJL be allowed payable semi annually The Company slat insures lives grant annuities sell endowments and execute: trusts I Of the rate of insurance tf 100 on a single life 7 year or life I zu a I 76 83 3 88 89 92 94 96 7 3 73 98 jk87 S0l ull blooded horses for Being anxious to decrease his stock of Blood Horses tb Subscriber will sell ou very low terms the Mares and Stnlliouw full bred of the blood of oldduiported horses Jobauna Tariff John Richards Industry Pedigrees given with the slock 1 LEWIS Communication in writing addressed to ths subecrib 7 er Berryville Clarke county Virginia will be attended ap 3w 4 7 '7'' 7 POSITIVE SALE LAND On' Wednesday the 12th instant I will rail at public sal one hundred acre of laud in the District of Columbia county of Alexan dria lying two and a half inilea from Georgetown' and eight from Alexandria The improvements are a new two story frame building with all other necessary outhouses with a good orchard consisting of apple plum peaeh pear cherry and damson tree Part of the land is now set in clover and wheat There are fine situations for early gardens with springs of good water and wood suffioient for the support of the Those wishing a healthy situation can view the place at any time byt application to Mr Caleb Burch living adjoining the above place or to the subscriber on Pennsylvania avenue opproite Hotel Sale at 11 A 1 ap 3 dt JAMES HARRISS 'Jon (Nayy Omctt March 18 1837 Jt ml rvii AK 'TIMBER Sealed offer aTfe' tin far will received stock of the first dY of July next fir th supply of Id vs Oak Timber as follows viz '4 or the frame timber end keelson pieces and the nroroiscoous timber for ooo sloop of war iveied at the Navy Yard Charlestown Afatsachutetls 2 or frame timber keelson pieces and the pro timber for one sloop of war (sjnaH claa) an do ne smaller reaael to dcHrcred at th Afary Yr New York 7 No 3 or the frame timber keelson pieces and promiscu ous timber for one smaller vessel to be delivered at the Navy Yard Philadelphia No 4 or the frame timber keelson pieces and promiscu sns timber for one stoop of war (small class) to be delirered at the Navy Yard Washington District Columbia: Ne 6 or th frame timber keelson piece and promtaeu co timber for cate sloop of war (small class) to be delivered the Navy Yard Gasport Virginia 4 Tbqunthy ead dimensions of the promiscuous timber for "each vessel of each clo1! ia feHewsb 7 i i ano Kt fet vrb eh nmtba sided twelve inches nd be from twelve to eighteen feet long six of the longest pieces to side sixteen inches br eMt small vessel 800 cubic feet which must be sided eight Inches and be from ten to sixtftn feet long six of the "longest piece to id twelv and a half inches 1 A part of the promiscuous timber may be got to larger di i measiona provided the pieces will answer for replacing defec jxiive hiwse pieces transm lreal hooka or lher valuable pieces Separate offer must made for each of the preceding nuta bars and each offer must embrace edl the timber that ia called for by die number to which it refers 4 the prices asked pereubie foot must be stated separately for CA and every class of vessels embraced In the offer afid for the promiscuous timber of each class separately from the other all of which other is considered ynonlde A iimber i The whol to be delivered before'lhe first day of July 1838 and as much sooner a practicable "'J' i said Ur Oak Timber must have grown within twenty five mike of the seabord (which must be proven to the aatisfeo ition of th respcstlve commaadints) must bo got out by the moulds and written directions and specifications of dimensions io which will be furnished to contractor fortheir government must be free from all injuries and defects which mayimpair th good quality of the said timber forth purpose for which it is required by oiutractjmd bo in all respects satisfactory to the commandants of th respective navy yards where it i delivered 7 Bonds with two good and responsible sureties (whose S' names must be forwarded with the offer) in the itmountofone tbird the estimated vatoe of the timber to be furnished under respective con true tj will bte required end as collateral se 4 curity ror the faithful compliaace with the terma and cooditioua ofthe said contracts ten per centum will be re served from Ute actaal amount of each payment which sdidc frpm time to time within thirty days after Ulis Jhall be duly approved and presented to the Navy Agents until the acid 7 are completed and cloned which reservations respec a lively will be forfeited to the use and beneht of the United States in the event of failures deliver the timber within he respective periods prescribed by the contracts The moulds will be furnished to the contractors at one of Navy Yards Brooklyn Gosport or Philadelphia be rpubVwhed twfee a weetf until 15th J'nue'noM in vthe National Intelligencer Globe Eastern Arg is New Hamp Shire Gaxette Commercisl Gasetta Beeton Morning Poet Ne York Times Now York Evening Post Tremon Emporium Pennsylvanian American Sentinel' Richmond Enquirer Nor folk Herald Raleigh Star Charleston Patriot Georgian Pen ieacola Gnaette Louisiana Adverlbb Mobile Register ttnar 3 PTMHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that the subscriberJL has obtained from the Orphans Court of Washington tn the District of Columbia letters of administration with ins will annexed on the personal estate of Milo Mason late of the UoitedStates Armydeeueeeti All persona having against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the subscriber on or before the 22d day of March naxvi they may otberwise by la be ex cluded from all benefit of said estate Given under my hand tili0 22d day ofMarch 183Z UtekM niAivi iQa JVrt mar w3w Testatrix Circuit Court of the District of Columbia for the County of lu Equity 5 Georg Law vs Charfes Brugiere James Duval et al 1T1HE bill ef complaint in this ease allege an agreement JL betwee the complainant and the said Charles Bnigiere one of the defendants by which itlwa stipulated that the com plainant in consideration of hi services in and about the pro a of a certain claim before the Board of Commissioners appointed under the treaty with ranco providing for reinuno rauon to the citizen of the United States for spoliation by rench bject Ac and in consideration of his having infdrm ed the said Brugiere of th existence of eaid elaim and of hi furnishing the evidence to 'establish the validity of the same should have and retain out of the sum which should be awarded in liquidation of the said claim a certain proportion thereof to r' wit one third of the whole amount The bill further shows that the complainant did prosecute the said claim and that an award in liquidation theref was made for 81879 to the7 as id James Duval another of the defendants in trust for the said Charles Bragiere by reason whereof the said complainant 7 would not receive or ecure any portion of th same under the power of attorney made to him by the said Brugiere Th complainant assert ia his bill that he ought to be per mitted lo reeeive from the Treasury Department certificate for one third of the amouqt swarded to wit 3626 33 and the Lili seks to compel th sXM Dural to execute hi duty as trus ee the said award and to assign' s4 transfer to the com Tainan his one third part thereof and furrtisr to obtainsfull discuvajy and disclosure upon the oath of th said partiesf all eonneatau "between them in rela'ion to th preastaes Ac Ac and tn prevent the said parties or either of them from obtaining peiMt of the said fund widwut securing to th complainant what is justly due to him the bill pray en fnjunc Con Au ii 7 And forasmuch a th said Chsifo Bnurirre and the said Dural do not reside within the loriadictlon of 'his Court but be road and without the District of Columbia it ia mt therefore ordered this ninth dqy of March In the year of our r' Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven that the eid Charles Bragisre and Janies Duval be and appear in eke Court here or atthe rales in propriis personis or by so 'iioltmr on or before 'the first Monday in August next to answer to the said bill of complaint and the several matter thereof: or otherwise that the said bill and the several neners thereof be taken as eonfeeued against the parties so failing to ap pear: Providedthat a fopy of this order be published jn the National Intelligencer once a week for three weeks ths first publication thereof to be at least four months before saM day True Copy Test: 7 ARENT Clerk! Coxa A CaausLX Solicitors Ac for complainant 1 1 8 II DOCKS The following sites have been estab lished by law for the aale of fish viz 7 The south extremity of 17th street west on the Tiber the landing on the north side of the Tiber at 7lh and 12th streets west provided no fish shall be cleaned on said landings the steamboat wharf on ths Potomac near the bridge over the Polo tnae and at wharf wharf on the Eastern Branch the wharf owned or occupied by Poston on the Potomae river near the entranee of Roek creek in the same and on the south side of Tiber ereek an 15th street west and the wharf now occupied by Meeara Poston and Thomas Herbert near the interseeliouof and 27th streets west No fish ean be sold 'between the 15th of March and lit of June out of any vessel scow or boat' al any other site or place in this city under a penalty of S10 except at the landing where they may be caught or taken in seines or out of carts and wa gons and at the several market houses mar Imo WM HEWITT Register" CHARLES COUNTY ebruary Term 1S3 7 The petition of Hugh Cox was presented setting forth that he became security for Walter earson deeeased for a debt due a certain John Crismond that suit was Instituted upon the note and judgment obtained against him at last March Term of Charles County Court that said earson left small personal estate and several children to wit MaryearsonIenrg earson John earson and Eleanor earson has legal representatives who have left the SThte and now reside In the District of Columbia and that no administra tion has been had upon the personal estate of £he said deceased He therefore prays the Court to pass an order to be published in some newspaper in the city of Washington giving notice to the said representatives of Walter earson to be end appear in this Court to show bause why they will not administer on said estate Uto Lett ora maybe granted thereon to thia petitioner or to some other creditor Whereupon it is ordered by the Court that notice be publish ed in the Notional Intelligencer newspaper once a week for three successive weeks warning said Mary earson Henry earson John earson and Eleanor earson of the filing and object of this petition and that said representatives and ap pear in this Court on or before the first Tuesday in May next otherwise Letters will be granted as prayed lor Test BRAWNER flp 8 w3w Register of Wills tn7r i Navy AgCut's Officte Washihtom Mabch 27 18371 APROPOSALS will Tie received st this office until three JK of the tenth day of May next for furnish ing and delivering at the navy yard in tbix city the following materials the deliveries to comuience as soon after the con tract is made as possible and to be completed ou or before the first day of July next Separate offers may be made embrac ing only the different kinds of articles wanted yiz for afTank Shop luvvw naru uuim uncss 10000 fire bricks 150 perches stone (foundation) 219 barrels lirae 700 barrels sand jo barrels fireproof clay 1 69 square yards stone flagging The above to be of the best quality 4 logs 36 tt long IB by 5 do 26 do 15 '3i do 28 do 15 3 do 20 do 15 io dos do io as in oa Ho 1 1 Tbe above log te be of good heart yellow pine to be got straight free from loose knots find other defects and to have no wane on the' coraera 10500 feet 4 iurfi white pine boards (rough cullings) 300 feet 2 inch whijejrine boards (merchantable) for Offices i 200000 nara burnt oncxs 136 peicbes foundation stone 220 barrels lime A 1320 do (sharp) The above to be of the best qualify 16s do 19 12 do do 2000 do 1 do do culling 60 round poplar logs 11 ft long IS In diameter 4 eq logs 30 ft long 22 by 22 in do plinth to ebtumea 4 do 30 do 22 22 do pedestal 24 26 do 12 12 do front Bills 32 do Jit 'do 12 12 do in and out sills tt do 25 do i 12 dp 'upper plate 44 'do' 21 do 12 42 do Joist 21 do IB 12 do short rafters 8000 ft lj inch yellow pin flooring brdx gooti quality 4000 do 2 do white pin merchantable 4 000 do 1 do do do 7000 do I do do ft nm rlra 1 cfn rln 26 stone sills 2 feet 4 in square and 7in thick 2 do door do 4 do 7 do long 231io wide and 7 in thick 2 do 4 do 7 do 19 do do I The above logs to be of good heart yellow pine to be got atraight free frpnt loose knot and other defect and to have no wane ou the corner Persons offering for thebrick muat send sample to the Nary Yard ELIAS KANE mar Navy Agent JjrTobd published in tha National Intelligencer Globe end Richmond Enquirer daily' 1 19 do 18 do 15 do 13 'i'Jdu 13 do 4 do 30 do 22 22 24 do' 26 do 12 12 32 do SH do 12 12 12 do 25 do 12 12 44 do 21 do 12 42 15 do 21 do IB 12 ANMVAL PBBM1PM I 1 year 7yerv or life Age 1 year' T2 86" 1 53 38 1 48 TT' 88 1 56 39 1 67 84 90 1 62 40 1 69 86 91 1 65 41 1 78 89 92 1 69 42 85 90 94 I 73 43 1 89 91 95 I 77 44 1 90 92 97 1 82 45 1 91 99 1 88 46 1 92 97 1 03 1 93 47 1 93 99 I 07 1 98 48 194 I 00 1 12 2 04 49 1 95 1 07 1 17 2 11 50 1 96 1 12 I 23 2 17 51 1 97 1 20 1 28 2 24 62 2 02 1 28 1 35 2 31 53 2 10 1 31 1 36 2 36 54 2 18 1 82 1 42 2 55' 2 32 1 33 1 46 2 50 56 2 47 1 34" 1 48 Jt 57 57 2 70 1 35 1 60 2 64 58 3 14 I 36 1 53 2 75 59 3 67 1 39 1 57 2 81 60 4 35 1 43 1 63 2 90 I.

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About Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express Archive

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


What is the national intelligencer? ›

The National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser was a newspaper published in Washington, D.C., from October 30, 1800 until 1870. It was the first newspaper published in the District, which was founded in 1790. It was originally a tri-weekly publication.

Where is the Washington Post based out of? ›

Washington, D.C.

Who owns the Intelligencer newspaper? ›

The newspaper serves central and northern Bucks County as well as adjacent areas of eastern Montgomery County. It is owned by Gannett.

Is Intelligencer a magazine? ›

Intelligencer (website), an offshoot of New York magazine. The Intelligencer and Wheeling News Register in Wheeling, West Virginia.

What type of company is the Washington Post? ›

The Washington Post Company is a diversified media organization whose principal operations include newspaper and magazine publishing, broadcasting and cable television systems.

Which US newspapers are conservative? ›

  • The Wall Street Journal‎ (1 C, 26 P)
  • American conservative websites‎ (3 C, 60 P)
  • The Weekly Standard people‎ (32 P)
  • Winning Team Publishing‎ (1 C, 1 P)
  • WorldNetDaily people‎ (50 P)

Who was the woman who owned the Washington Post? ›

Katharine Graham (born June 16, 1917, New York, New York, U.S.—died July 17, 2001, Boise, Idaho) was an American business executive who owned and published various news publications, most notably The Washington Post, which she transformed into one of the leading newspapers in the United States.

About The national intelligencer and ...Library of Congress (.gov)https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov ›

About The national intelligencer and Washington advertiser. [volume] (Washington City [D.C.]) 1800-1810. Washington City [D.C.] (1800-1810) · Also issued...
Three times a week, Jan. 2, 1840- Vol. 11, no. 1580 (Nov. 27, 1810)- Ceased in June 1869. Issued daily: -v. 38, no. 5423 (Mar. 4, 1837). Publishers: Gales and S...
Daily national intelligencer. [volume] (Washington City [D.C.]) 1813-1869.

What is the North American Intelligencer? ›

The Freeman's Journal or The North-American Intelligencer was published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and includes 2,516 searchable pages from 1781-1792.

Who owns Seattle Post Intelligencer? ›

William Randolph Hearst took over the paper in 1921, and the Hearst Corporation owns the P-I to this day.

What is the first magazine of Inc? ›

The first weekly paper published by the INC(in 18891889) was Voice of India. In 1883, Dadabhai Naoraoji started the paper in Bombay and later incorporated it into the Indian Spectator.

What is the magazine market? ›

Definition: The Newspapers & Magazines market involves the creation, distribution, and consumption of printed publications, including newspapers and magazines, which serve as primary sources of news, information, and entertainment for readers.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.